



New Rates for Minimum Bills and Usages Starting June 1, 2020

The new rate per 1,000 gallons over the minimum usage is $6.49.

No changes:

3/4" Meter $20.25 for 1,000 gallons

Changes in minimum usage:

1" Meter $40.95 for 3,500 gallons

1 1/2" Meter $84.40 for 12,500 gallons

2" Meter $139.95 for 22,500 gallons

Changes in minimum bill and usage:

3" Meter $271.20 for 46,000 gallons

4" Meter $426.20 for 82,000

6" Meter $846.20 for 184,000 gallons


Since we are not turning water off for delinquent accounts at this time, due to COVID 19, please note that you still must pay your water bill.  When this crisis is over, and we resume turning off water service for nonpayment, your bill could be extremely large plus a $50.00 service charge.  We do not turn water back on until the entire bill and the $50.00 charge is paid.  Please pay your bill, we do not want to disconnect your service for nonpayment after our COVID 19 Response has ended.  Thank you!


C-1 Water cares about you, our customers, and we hope you are well.  During the COVID 19 Stay at Home Order, we encourage you to make your payments by ACH Bank Draft, by phone calling 1-866-653-1729 with a MasterCard or VISA and on-line at this website's front page by clicking on the icon.  Our lobby is closed until further notice.  

To keep you and our employees safe, we ask that you do not approach our servicemen in the field within 6 feet.  We have minimal staffing and need our operators able to do their job and keep you in water during this crisis.

Stay well, abide the pandemic guidelines set forth by the CDC and our county.  We will get through this by working together and supporting one another.  We are on the job for you!




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