District News and Notices
The cost of our MXUs has increased $25.00 as of January 1, 2023. The charge for damaging an MXU on your meter lid as of April 30, 2023 will go from $195 to $220. So watch out for that water meter lid! FYI- The MXU is used to transport meter readings to our automatic meter reading system. We appreciate your cooperation! Thanks!
Management and the Board of Directors must pass on the annual increase from Missouri American Water Company of 7% this fiscal year to continue to operate, maintain, and distribute potable water to you, our customers, and to our new customers that will soon occupy all of the new development in our district. Please see below for the new rates:
10 Year Plan (started 6/2020 to 6/2030) to Equalize Cost Per Gallon for Minimum Bills
Starting June 1, 2023:
All usage after the minimum usage will now be billed at $7.00 per 1000 gallons. It was $6.55 per 1000 gallons last fiscal year.
5/8″ x 3/4″ Meter: No Change
1″ Meter Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 2,500 gallons Current 2,000 gallons
1.5″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 9,500 gallons Current 8,000 gallons
2″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 17,500 gallons Current 15,000 gallons
3″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 38,000 Current 34,000 gallons
4″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 66,000 Current 58,000 gallons
6″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 152,000 Current 136,000 gallons
8″ Minimum Bill Usage: Previous 238,000 Current 200,000 gallons